Monday, November 10, 2014

Bay Area Super Prestige #2: Sierra Point Night Race

BASP Sierra Point Night Race

This was not only my first ever sanctioned race, but this was also my first time even attending a cross race. I wanted to ride out there early, see the course, and watch some of the early races, but some personal stuff happened and my friend Nat and I drove in about an hour before our race. I was so glad Nat was there to show me the ropes of how to do racing (where to put my jersey number, when to do lap warmups, etc.), I would have been so lost otherwise.

BASP Sierra Point Night Race

We kept loose and tried to get one more lap of the course before we were called to the line. Like before any race I let my nerves go (it helps build adrenaline, which helps me go faster). The whistle blew; and off we went. I started middle of the pack, probably closer to the back. I tried not to eat shit in the pack (riding in a group is new to me), we bottlenecked on the first turn, but bottlenecked worse on the mud where there is only one line. I ran it to try to take a few places only to hop back on for another bottleneck (I wish I had seen some more of the course, because now I know that was a place to run too).

BASP Sierra Point Night Race

The first lap was tight, but by the time we rounded the final bend the race opened up some. I tried to focus on picking off the people in front of me, which it felt like I was doing. I honestly only really remember people passing me when I put my face on the ground (note to self; it doesn't belong there). From there I rode pretty clean and picked people off slowly but surely. I pushed it hard to the final bell. There were three folks I followed the last lap that I just couldn't quite catch, oh well, I still felt good about my race; that is, until I saw the results, 46th of 73rd. I guess I can't complain since it was my first sanctioned race ever and besides one spill, I rode pretty clean and safe.

BASP Sierra Point Night Race

Our race ended right at dusk. Once the sun set below the peninsula hills the beer started flowing. Being a sucker, I had work at 8 AM the next morning, so I opted to drive and not drink, but it didn't matter the party gathered up on "Heckle Hill" for some shenanigans. The race, the party, everything, I cannot wait for the next cross race. I'm hoping to make it down to the Surf City race next weekend in Santa Cruz. We'll see!

BASP Sierra Point Night Race
Dollar handups!
BASP Sierra Point Night Race
BASP Sierra Point Night Race
Stop smiling, this is racing, it's not supposed to be fun.
BASP Sierra Point Night Race

BASP Sierra Point Night Race

BASP Sierra Point Night Race
BASP Sierra Point Night Race
BASP Sierra Point Night Race

BASP Sierra Point Night Race
BASP Sierra Point Night Race
BASP Sierra Point Night Race
BASP Sierra Point Night Race
BASP Sierra Point Night Race
BASP Sierra Point Night Race
BASP Sierra Point Night Race

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