Friday, August 30, 2013

The World is Flat Pedaled

Briones Shorttrack

When it comes to building a touring bike there are so many things that are taken as fact; steel frame, high range of gears, quick wicking clothing, but some gear parts are debated. It seems that clipless pedals are one of these things that falls on both sides. I have seen a good deal of "ways to improve riding" or "how to prepare for a bike tour" promote clipless pedals, but I'm going to go ahead and say that these are less than ideal for bike touring.

Casual SPDs were becoming the rage when I first began riding, with Chrome exploding everywhere and other companies finally following in their wake (Teva, Five-Ten, and Vans now all have their own casual clipless pedals). I started with rat cages, but after destroying many metal cages I have taken the plunge into full on flat pedals and could not be happier.

Monster Check on the Presidio
Surly Cross Check rocking Wellgo MG-1s

The tides seem to be turning away from clipless toward flat pedals on touring cyclists, with the rise of casual touring promoted by Rivendell and hike and bike bikepacking as promoted by Cass Gilbert. And here is the real reason why flats are more superior than clipless pedals, they are multifunctional. For anyone who has ever packed for an extended bike tour knows that having multi use items is extremely useful as it saves space and weight, yet people still believe in clipless pedals and off the bike shoes/sandals, when one pair of sneakers functions for both. For me, bike touring is about exploration, and exploring off the bike is half the fun, from incredible day hikes, to museum walks, to unplanned games of soccer, not skating everywhere is fantastic.

Another tenant that the flat pedal fulfills is the keep it simple stupid attitude, an attitude I shortly picked up from Surly upon purchase of my Cross-Check. As an example, I remember being a few days north of San Francisco last summer when I met a couple traveling the coast and it was about this point that one of their touring pedal cleats was so torn up from being walked on over rocks, curbs, pavement, what have you, that they could no longer clip in and needed to limp by on a small platform to get to San Francisco to replace their cleats. Another example comes from an old article from Urban Velo magazine that I found, in which these avid cycle tourists cited the tool or piece that they'd never leave without again and it was consistently pedal bolts. When you go flat, that's one less tool and one less headache.

Big Trees Trail
Another shot with the white MTB pedals.

"But what about the power increases!" well, that's mostly a myth. There may be small gains, but nothing extremely major. People are bound to believe that being clipped in allows you to pull up on the upstroke, which is actually wrong. The only benefit may be that you are less fatigued because you don't have to worry as much with foot position but with grippy shoes and grippy pedals this is not an issue whatsoever.

One of the greatest gains that have come from the switch to platform pedals over rat cages is learning better bike ability. I had never known how to bunny hop and was completely dumbfounded by the process, I kept trying to pull up the rear wheel with my feet, which is dead wrong. Flat pedals have taught me better weight balance on the bike and now I'm having a blast throwing my rear wheel wherever I want it, be it mountain biking, hopping curbs, or bike poloing. For performance, flats reign king in my bike.

Tilden Tree, Bench, Bike

What do you ride? Flats, clipless, cages? Why? What are the benefits and disadvantages?

Further reading: Riv Bike on clipless v. flats.


  1. I put platforms on my new touring bike for the reasons you listed. It's mainly laziness, don't want to carry two pairs of shoes :p. Off the bike comfort is another second.

    But while riding I prefer the clipless pedals. I've turned into more of masher with the platforms, smoother pedal stroke with clipless. I like the secure feeling on descents and fast turns. I like having as quick a cadence as my legs want without having to worry about slipping off the pedals. Also easier to have the pedal in the right position for starting and stopping with clipless.

    But I'm a lazy weight weenie...

    1. I'm not going to lie, my first jam up a hill I did lose my pedals, but once I got used to them it's rare for me to lose my pedals. I can definitely see cadence being better with clipless, but I've been focusing on my cadence more hoping to improve it, and have found a difference.

  2. I have been riding flat pedals (MKS touring) on my touring/commuter/errand bike for years. Nice to be able to go into a store/restaurant/etc. right off the bike. Switched back to clipless for some longer rides and it worked well. Felt more efficient for hard riding. But, went back to flats for the versatility. Also switched over to flats for mountain biking (VP pedals with 510 Freerider shoes) which has been great. On technical rides it's really nice to know I can bail any time. I also have more confidence in trying sketchy sections of trail which is improving my skills. There is a learning curve as you noted with bunny hopping but learning is fun. I have hit my shins in the process and with spiked pedals that hurts. Shin guards might be in order.
    Also, I met you in Incline Village at the Village Bike Shop on your Tahoe tour.


    1. Oh nice! Thanks for reading! That was by far the lowest I'd been in a while. Lesson learned, a cross bike is not a mountain bike!
